- Loyal S. James-

Loyal S. James is a basketball player, artist, and content creator. He is 11 years old and lives in Houston, Texas. He is the second oldest and has four siblings. He loves playing sports, singing, and more! Currently, he plays AAU basketball. And when he grows up, he wants to be a big store company owner!
- Levi S. James-

Levi S. James is a cancer survivor. After being diagnosed with Burkitt’s Lymphoma at the age of three (2013), and undergoing several surgeries and chemotherapy, he went into remission and has been cancer free ever since. Currently, he plays basketball for his middle school team, likes solving rubrics cubes, and plays Roblox. He is the eldest of five children and lives in Houston, TX. When he grows up, he wants to be…well, he is still undecided.